Consistency is often sacrificed for the sake of persistence. In the middle of battle, people seem to act based on the belief of being able to fix their mistakes later because instant success is more important.
Unfortunately for them, that doesn't last and expediency will eventually have to contend with the truth that time always reveals.
This is part of what makes politics such a cutthroat business. Once a political leader plays an integral interdependent role in the success of their party, they carry their own personal baggage and mistakes along with those made by the leaders they are following.
The Republican Party has a difficult job right now, and I think it's about time they were facing the difficulty associated with selling inappropriate services and agendas to people. Not having to face the people that you hurt can create very ugly monsters.
Still, once people have needed to practice their art of persuasion in order to overcome the overwhelming glare of the problems their mistakes have caused for a long period of time they can become quite skilled at doing that.
Selling a candidate or even a political system when the majority of voters were having their perspectives molded by three major television stations and there were no satellites that would reach across oceans and shows so much of the world what that perspective was and allow them to critique it must have been less challenging.
While I can only guess what the majority of non voters in the US might want, and whatever they may have learned from their environment that may be a critical piece of the puzzle that isn't being recognized and factored in, it's important to me to remember what would cause the most immediate reaction (for good or bad) among this group. I think it's also important to remember which agendas have been carried out that have caused them the most difficulty.
Among the complaints that I often hear regarding the least recognized Americans, who are often referred to as a product of society's ills is that due to their lack of formal education and so-called "appropriate" training and refinement, they should not be trusted.
If this lack of training, education, and refinement is what creates this type of less than honorable power wielding monsters, would that mean that the people who don't have training, education, and refinement need to learn how important these things are and what integrity accompanies having attained these things from people who have attained them?