I understand that many ugly prejudices about autistics have been ingrained in the consciousness of our culture and that this affects the attitudes of many parents who are raising autistic kids. I understand that many parents are unaware or are new to understanding the struggles faced by disabled people in broader society. I understand that the incredibly inappropriate and false supports provided by government agency are not readily understood by many people. I understand they are not pursuing the knowledge of disability advocates and survivors of what was been unjustly defined as therapy in honor of the royal name of psychiatry. I understand that this knowledge does not seem important to many of them and their current situation.... However, the following article and video about a mother who recently murdered her children are just WRONG!
It's absolutely OUTRAGEOUS and DISGUSTING that other parents would exploit this as an opportunity to report their struggles and the need for more and better services!!!! It is totally irresponsible and
sick for these other parents to act this way!! This makes me very angry.
It's absolutely OUTRAGEOUS and DISGUSTING that other parents would exploit this as an opportunity to report their struggles and the need for more and better services!!!! It is totally irresponsible and
sick for these other parents to act this way!! This makes me very angry.
What has happened to these children is a terrible tragedy! Please don't exploit their memory with crass commercialism and political nonsense.