People who are inclined to think in alternative ways challenge the standardized tests (and the commercial interest that created them) to be more accepting of diversity. These social challenges too often negatively affect us individually in our personal relationships. We feel the burden of society's need to exclude us in order to preserve their false sense of pride even more intensely on a personal level, and it affects how we relate to our immediate environment. However, targeting the broader unfair social designs is where our efforts will affect the most needed change. This solidifies our efforts and discourages bickering (which encourages harmony) in personal relationships.
People involved in designing social control often base their self worth on their social status and only see that developing from the popularity of their ideas.It's a fragile basis for self-esteem and the rest of us (the "othered" part of the population) would do well not to follow their example or trust their projected view of us.
Solidarity comes from an agreement but the agreement is weak and fragile if it hasn't been tested and explored. That exploration requires trust and courage.
Once people are aware of how we are encouraging our own oppression, we can work boldly and compassionately as a solidified team against the nature of oppression which we feel in many daily interactions. Once we face the destructive force with courage we will feel empowered to combat it.
Neurological difference presents a threat to both people who are pathologically inclined to need personal control as well as those who are involved in designing control-based, normalizing behavioral systems that will ultimately support a larger political goal.
The ultimate goal of incarceration for unfounded allegations, the increasing focus on "needing" to use physical restraints, the broadening of the diagnostic statistical manual (DSM), and the overwhelming increase in medicating younger and more children, is based on the idea that people need to be controlled because they can't be trusted.
The United States has always encouraged the overly strict style of thinking, which create division and work to promote government oppression of the public it claims to serve. The evidence for this is shown by black versus white thinking that supports racial discrimination, being guilty due to being competent enough to recognize our crime versus those who are ignorant of their sin due to neurological defect and therefore innocent, and the intelligent versus unintelligent (educated versus non-educated) with regards to functioning labels. This is also shown by the way the term nationalism is promoted in a way which confuses it with patriotism. The two terms mean very different things.
At the core of these anti-diversity social designs are the fear of losing control and the need to transfer that fear back to the public by teaching them not to trust each other.
A functioning label is a political tool and nothing more. It's important to remember the few who are making the biggest decisions about how our government is run (and are using the mainstream media to promote their designs) only believe that a very few people are fit and therefore, worthy of respect and consideration.
Dividing the rest into categories promotes identity politics and some to have a sense of superiority due to being normal and only expressing views that are average. This leads everyone in thinking that anyone who presents as struggling for justice must be seeking dominance over others or attempting to position themselves as a leader. Anything that can be used to discourage autonomy will be.
This is a very effective tool for discouraging new ideas and preserving the ruling class of the minority elite. This doesn't serve to provide the majority with protecting rights, liberties, and the pursuit of justice.
Most people are aware of oppression by their government and how it affects so much of their life, and they feel powerless to affect change. Their suppressed emotions over this too often creates distrust, which gets directed toward their family and friends. This creates a division and encourages the feeling of powerlessness for everyone involved.
Family and friends must be unburdened from the fear taught by our government and the mainstream media. We must empower ourselves and those around us by learning to discuss ideas and opinions in healthy ways. We need to trust that this will strengthen and maintain our relationships rather than dividing us and making us even more vulnerable to the unfair yet unified control.
Diversity can mean an opportunity to examine the uniqueness of the human race and the infinite possibilities that provides, or it can represent more competition to what the normals and their leadership claim to deserve (based on scarcity myth). Governmental leadership doesn't need to be the deciders of our worth. We can reject their evaluations and promote an expanded set of values that will be undeniable to everyone. The only thing that separates a weed from a flower is our ability to find its value.
We can't fight for neurodiversity by using the political strategies which are taught us by the mainstream media. Fostering trust is not their goal. We won't overcome injustice, unless we are encouraging openness and honesty from all the vulnerable parts of the population. We won't establish trusting relationships with other oppressed people by using the mainstream mindset that has created our divisions in the first place. Basically, "The master's tools will never dismantle the master's house."