The power to changes trends, policy, and viewpoints for good also provides the people with it lots of opportunities to irresponsible and corrupt. The context in which something is said often frame alternatives in a strict contrast (good or bad, pro or con, for or against) so the logical alternatives which come from a different perspective and people with alternative thinking styles don't fit into a convenient category. They are therefore, dismissed as being completely impractical. This really isn't a healthy trend that promotes a more civilized society but the people who have power have traditionally neglected the responsibility that should accompany it. This history has had the biggest influence on the designs of our present system of government.
The more history can be described as some type of factual account the more deceit and the chaos that follows it influence society. A more comprehensive description of what is described as history is a set of viewpoints which someone with power has published about others with power so that tradition is protected and democracy is prevented.
Today what mostly is attributed with the honor of being called history is influenced most by commercial interest to protect their corruption by describing most of the public as ignorant, lazy, and uninterested in bettering their personal lives or contributing to a broader community.
People whose contributions are not seen as worthy of their prospective community or the broader society are unable or disabled. Some receive insurance benefits set up by the State which show that their family was at one point (or continues to be) accepted by the local or more centralized government. In the United States, the statistics would indicate that with or without what is considered insurance benefits in the way of financial subsidies the intention for how the public (as shown by what the voting public designs through policy) relates to those who are disenfranchised is to shame and/or exploit them for the personal and false sense of pride. This is the idolatry which leaves us spiritually and financially bankrupt.
Wherever there are walls that define a particular structure (be it, a house or some other institution) the people with an invested interest in its future must be responsible for its contents. Whatever you don't appreciate will own and consume you. It doesn't need your permission to do so.
We now have the technology that moves resources and power at such lighting speeds that our attitudes are becoming much more convenience based, and we are becoming much more unaware of human value. People are being described as more disposable than ever.
It's not practical to see the recording of history as following productive trends. Instead historical accounts are influenced mainly by the people with the resources to lie and cheat effectively and make the rest of the world carry the burden. They even have the power to convince people that the situation is completely opposite of that.
"For those looking for security, be forewarned that there's nothing more insecure than a political promise." -- Harry Browne
The images that are shown on television and the internet are controlled by commercial interest. They show restaurants where most people don't eat, clothes most people don't wear, and products most people don't use. Of course most people know this to be true, but the valued public who can afford some of these luxuries act irresponsibly as if they can consume without regard for the inappropriate and unfair values which are being taught them. When the people being hurt most by this are seen, others use the shame and blame techniques, they have learned to ease the appropriate experience of shame as well as further justify not altering their course.
With most people being excluded, exploited and otherwise hurt by all this having no voice in policies that concern them and no confidence (for good reason) to challenge oppression, it's no wonder that the valued public continues seeking answers in the traditional ways rather than confront the problem.
It's important that the people with the resources to change things begin to accept that their quality of life will continue to decrease not as the result of useless people but as the result of their arrogantly believing that they can continue to judge people and their qualities as inferior and/or obsolete so their appetites are conveniently fed.
People can't claim ownership of anything or justify their rights that come at the expense of others without eventually being confronted with the spoils of ill-gotten victory. Of course there are only a few people who are really evaluating policies with the goal of population control and other extreme and inhumane solutions but the rest can help matters by recognizing how their values are ultimately supporting the atrocious ideals.
Quote :: Ghandi
"I believe that no government can exist for a single moment without the co-operation of the people, willing or forced, and if people suddenly withdraw their co-operation in every detail, the government will come to a standstill."
Traditionally, the role of government has been to empower a particular system through the exploitation of the public they claim to serve. Whatever opportunities they provide cannot exceed a level that would give them less control. Aside from whatever personal compassion and concern that an individual working within that system can provide, the goal of the system is to serve itself.
The means by which mainstream autism advocacy operates does not challenge the values which have always opposed neurodiversity. A movement claiming to encourage this diversity must recognize which compromises are demanded of the them from the political realm where public policy is decided in order to challenge tradition.
The system isn't some combination of positive and negative strategy. It's not only that sometimes isn't the best. It must, due to its very nature, aid the elite at the expense of exploiting everyone else. Politics isn't just some life on life's terms, that "we" must accept. It's instead what a few with resources choose at the expense of the silenced and exploited rest that gives those few the privilege of that choice.
"Government is not compassion ... Government is nothing more than structured, widespread coercion ..." -- Glen Allport
Politics is not a means for liberty. It's an end unto itself that opposes liberty by preventing democracy.
If the context where liberties are won from a government (who depends on controlling people and believes they can't afford to trust them) demands too much compromise from the politicians involved it is the duty of those who are truly dedicated to this cause and have the resources to do so to challenge those politicians as much as any other corruption or oppression.
Nothing will change until attitudes change and any provisions, which are accepted that only go to a few who can fit the model designed for the valued publics convenience is a threat to the individual liberties of most people rather than an aid.
"The issue today is the same as it has been throughout all history, whether man shall be allowed to govern himself or be ruled by a small elite." -- Thomas Jefferson
"When all think alike, then no one is thinking." ~Walter Lippman
"Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty." -- Wendell Phillips
"The greatest tyrannies are always perpetrated in the name of the noblest causes." -- Thomas Paine
"Noncooperation with evil is as much a duty as cooperation with good." -- Gandhi
"Tyranny is always better organized than freedom." -- Charles Peguy
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